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the best wedding weekend EVER

the best wedding weekend EVER

Thankfully a picture is worth a thousand words because when it comes to our wedding, I still can’t find the right ones to describe how it felt and how much it meant to have all our family and friends in one place to celebrate with 

merry christmas

merry christmas

Wishing you a Christmas full of joy and cheer from the gang here at Harrier Hill. Xo.

home sweet home

home sweet home

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks. Scratch that, it’s been a whirlwind few months. Between shooting a full season of weddings, re-doing six rooms in our house, planning our own wedding and then heading off to France and Italy for our honeymoon, our lives have 

Slipper wins.

Slipper wins.

(Christine joined me with her camera for some evening chores) Sheep are commonly believed to be lovely, gentle animals. But sheep are jerks. Friggin’ jerks. Fortunately I have in my employ the sweetest little badass in town. Slippity Slip Slip. Good girl Slipper! Isn’t Paddie 

yes sir, yes sir, five bags full

yes sir, yes sir, five bags full

We’re back (and judging by the influx of inquiries: not missed)! Our original ambitious blogging plan was victimized by our house redecoration which rendered my main computer unreachable (and my “pocket camera” battery charger has disappeared somewhere), plus the wedding countdown is on (3 weeks