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On the Night You Were Born

On the Night You Were Born

On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, “Life will never be the same.” And the moment I laid eyes on Elizabeth Amelie I knew it to be 

Normal Day

Normal Day

It was only a walk down the driveway but I decided to grab my camera anyway. I’m so happy I did. Tonight, as I flip through these images from earlier, I find myself thinking about a quote from Mary Jean Irion: “Normal day, let me 

A morning stroll and a snack

A morning stroll and a snack

I have a folder full of pictures to share but once the days (or weeks!) roll by it feels a bit silly to be posting so long after the fact. Not that I’m trying to keep this blog a breaking, up-to-the-minute newsreel of our lives 

2nd Annual Slow Food Pizza Potluck

2nd Annual Slow Food Pizza Potluck

Dave and I are members of Slow Food and dearly love the organization and all that it stands for. How could you not love being part of a group that has the motto, “Let’s cook up a revolution together” ?! Cooking? Food? Revolutions? Yes, yes, 

Pottery Boot Camp at Perfect Diversity

Pottery Boot Camp at Perfect Diversity

About two weeks ago I was scrolling through Facebook and an event popped up in my feed: Pottery Boot Camp at Perfect Diversity. I was immediately intrigued. I’ve always wanted to try pottery but haven’t found myself in a space where it made sense in 

Picking Plums and Backyard Exploring

Picking Plums and Backyard Exploring

Simon loves being outdoors. I don’t know if this is something particular to him or all children but if he’s outside, he’s happy. So in that sometimes fragile and cranky after supper-before bedtime hour we often go outside to explore the yard. It keeps us