Month: April 2014

lamb antics

lamb antics

I don’t know much about the farming side of keeping sheep but I do know a lot about cute. And our lambs are cuuuuute. With their floppy ears and baby baaa’s, they’re beyond adorable. When you head out to the barn, you never know what 

april showers

april showers

With the wind blowing a gale and the rain steadily falling outside, today is looking like an inside sort of day. For this little prince anyway.

a quiet day

a quiet day

Dave is off running errands and attending meetings in town today. That makes for some pretty long faces around here. All four of us miss him when he’s gone.

the flocking news

the flocking news

Today was a beautiful day. One of my East Friesian ewes delivered triplets (for the second year in a row!) unassisted under sunny seventeen degree skies, rounded them up and fussed like a mother hen. It was a shepherd’s dream. I put her in a 

a day in the life at dalaway farm

a day in the life at dalaway farm

There’s nothing I love more than photographing a day in the life. I love capturing moments and actions so familiar they’ve long gone unnoticed. Or if not unnoticed, not necessarily noted as being remarkable. Because it is these quiet, unremarkable moments that when strung together, 

the view from here

the view from here

The view from our dining room window. We’re never disappointed.