Month: September 2017

Pottery Boot Camp at Perfect Diversity

Pottery Boot Camp at Perfect Diversity

About two weeks ago I was scrolling through Facebook and an event popped up in my feed: Pottery Boot Camp at Perfect Diversity. I was immediately intrigued. I’ve always wanted to try pottery but haven’t found myself in a space where it made sense in 

Picking Plums and Backyard Exploring

Picking Plums and Backyard Exploring

Simon loves being outdoors. I don’t know if this is something particular to him or all children but if he’s outside, he’s happy. So in that sometimes fragile and cranky after supper-before bedtime hour we often go outside to explore the yard. It keeps us 

A rainy morning with Simon

A rainy morning with Simon

A fly on the wall would see this particular routine every morning, not just rainy ones. It simply happened to be raining yesterday when I took these photos. Usually it starts like this. Boots or sneakers on, often on the wrong feet. Rubber boots are 

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

I used to think that life traveled a straight line. Soon I realized that a straight-line path through life is a myth and started thinking that perhaps the more accurate description is bumble bee lines – a zig here, a zag there but mostly a