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never a dull moment

never a dull moment

While walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain (it may not have specifically been SoHo, or raining), coming back from a desk job and looking around I knew this wasn’t a life forever. I didn’t see anything that made sense for me. I 

it was better in my head

it was better in my head

Tonight I decided I wanted to get a “nice portrait” of Paddie and Slipper. You know, one where they’re both sitting and looking at the camera, prim and proper like an old fashioned photo. I thought of it because I wrote a quick blip about 

hannah & joshua’s baptism

hannah & joshua’s baptism

Yesterday was a special day for the Whelans – my niece and nephew were baptized! It was a beautiful day celebrating both the sacrament and family. It was a warm feeling to hear Father Francesco explain to Hannah & Joshua that through baptism, a seed 

fowl friday

fowl friday

It was a tough spring for our birds, both here and abroad. A raccoon had been picking off a few of our hens here (the problem seems to have gone away. I did spend some time trying to “solve” it without any success.) We are 

our weekend in review

our weekend in review

A visit from a few of my favourite people on Saturday – my parents, niece Hannah and nephew Joshua. I LOVE this photo of my parents. I think it’s just so… them. A quick overnight trip to the city on Sunday to catch up with 

things i saw today before 8am

things i saw today before 8am

Dave encouraging Louie III to get on the other side of the fence. The cutest little highland heifer with the cutest little horns eating a breakfast of grain. My heart walking across the field. A serious-looking but always friendly standoff between Paddie and Nugget.